Friday, April 30, 2010

115 - 1130 total

M 14 Not 17 you crazies

Well we have only been doing it two weeks, not three. I guess if we are done I would win since I did get my home blessing done today. 140 points for today. I think everyone who quit still has to pay. You committed, you must pay! So I think we should do one more week unless Christy is done. That is all I have to say.

C Day 17

1420 +115= 1535. All I have to do is change sheets tomorrow for my weekly home blessing. I got the rest all done tonight while Ryan was on a man-date with my bro-in-law in Lawrence. It was a blessing in disguise. And my practice tri is tomorrow at 8 am. Wish me luck!

P.S. Are we done? Today's the last day in April but we didn't really set an end date. Do you want to continue, Misty, since you're the only one really doing it?

I win!!

I'm so glad you've all agreed to the 1600 bonus points for anyone who is nursing a baby while having mastitis that is resistant to 4 antibiotics. I have earned it these past 4 weeks which is part of the reason why posting has been more difficult this go round. So add 1600 to my previous 110 = 1710. I guess I win. Thanks for playing ladies. Gotta love flylady.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

C 13

65 + 1355 = 1420. Didn't do much flylady stuff because I worked my bootie outside all day mowing, rototilling, etc. I am tired and stinky. I need to take a shower. Looks like we're tied.
P.S. I just remembered I did do a load 0f towels. +5 points+ 1425


Super tired. Good day. 115+1305=1420

What a great idea

I LOVE Andrea's idea. I am having the same problem. Plus, Andrew has been working on our computers and networking the past few nights. So I've been missing out on a BUNCH of points because I couldn't post. I'm going to start doing that too!!


Ladies, I have been falling asleep before I can post every night. I think the problem is I get up at 5:30 every morning to get Nathan to seminary and then I come home and do my list. I usually have everything except dinner and my night routine done before 8am. So by the time I sit down at night I am done. I fall asleep and wake up the next morning feeling awful because I havent posted. So I am just going to start posting in the morning what points I have. If I miss out on the points for dinner and my night routine that is better than no points at all. I have made this short story endless... so here goes... I have 125 points so far this morning giving me a total of 1015.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Misty day 12

So thanks to Kaely and her friend Mia. I got 115 today. I am just wondering what the deal is? Every body dropped out except Christy and I? Are we going to keep going or just send Christy a check?

C Day ?

1255 + 100= 1355. Didn't do my de cluttering. It's kinda becoming a bad habit. The areas I really need to do I don't want to.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


1195 + 60= 1255. It was a good day though I didn't get all my points. Spent the afternoon outside and had a terrific day. Didn't de-clutter, do the mission of the day or make dinner.
Got the vacuuming done, even though it was stressful. Going to kickboxing class tonight and didn't want to take the chance I would forget. Feeling much better today. When I woke up this morning Shay said "we need you to do your flylady stuff today." Our house was trashed. But it is looking good, especially my living room. 1075+115=1190

Monday, April 26, 2010

Christy Day 10

1080 + 115. De-cluttered my mismatch sock pile. I hate doing that but the kids (and I) always have WAY more socks when I'm done. I love flying!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A whopping 40 points for me today. It was just a busy, busy Saturday running from one thing to the next. Glad you guys had such a special day.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have the best sister ever! Thanks for everything! You guys do so much for me I don't know how I would make it without you!! We left at 7am this morning and I pulled into my driveway at 11pm. So the only thing I think I have done today is get dressed!!! The fact that Misty did anything more than that is proof that she is AWESOME!!

so what day is it? Saturday #?

Today Andrea went through the temple for her own endowment. It was a wonderful, long, crazy weather day. I was really glad she chose to do that and that I got to escort. It was really a special day for me too. Thank you Andrea, I love you!

I got everything except dinner, and exercise. Also I realized I didn't cook dinner last night the babysitter did. Does that count? Probably not. So deduct last nights dinner too.

I will add my points later.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Christy Day 9

900 + 140= 1040. Did my weekly home blessing hour right before Ryan came home and had the kids help. I love having the floor mopped, clean sheets, and a clean house to start the weekend. Feels great to fly. Those of you who dropped out are missing's never to late to start back up and jump in where you are.

Andrea Day 8

I fell asleep last night before I posted. I am just waiting for one of you guys to mess up so I can take the lead!! I have 100 points for the day... :)

today was a good un!

Got all 140 pts hurray!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Christy Day 8

I kicked it into high gear this last hour and got my kitchen spic and span and did my last minute stuff. It always feels great going to sleep with a clean house. It feels even better waking up to one. Total for today 115 + 785 = 900. Woohoo! Thanks for the idea of de-cluttering my inbox, Misty. I just spent 15 minutes doing it so I could get my full points.

M 8

755+115=870 Worked 8 hours in my back yard today and cleaned my house. Super tired. Good night!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Christy Day 7

670 + 115 = 785. It was a good day.

I'm Baaack! M 7

115 today+75 yesterday+565=755 total. Had a wonderful day. Good to be doing this.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Tuesday Didn't make dinner or do the mission of the day... I didn't even look it up to see what it was. Can we say LOSER! Total of 640. Posted by Andrea at 10:31 PM

I found my post from yesterday. I posted to the wrong blog. I am a total blond. Did my home blessing points today - 140 and 760 total!


So I know I won't get the points, but at least I'll be accountable. It seems I am never home for more than a few minutes at a time, or I have someone over, which keeps me from getting to my list. Anyhow, yesterday I made the bed, swished and swiped, cleared off a hot spot, did a 5 minute room rescue, emptied the dishwasher and rebooted the laundry. Doing a little better today, so we'll see. I really just forgot to post last night...oops. Here's hoping my memory will be better tonight.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Christy Day 6

555+115= 670. I actually got full points today. I de-cluttered Claire's baby clothes and I guess it's harder to say goodbye to them than I thought it would be. I kept a nice big stack for keeps.

m 6

75 points today

Monday, April 19, 2010

Christy Day 5

100 points for me. I didn't de-clutter. It was a beautiful day and I couldn't force myself to stay in the house long enough to do everything. Oh well. Good job, ladies. Total for me: 555.

Julie Day...uh...I really don't know what day

So I think I got 40 points today. I'm actually quite proud of myself because I got those points before I had a friend over at 10am, then got struck with a SUPER migraine that literally knocked me out for the rest of today. Andrew had to come home early from work to rescue me which was a huge sacrifice on his part. As of now, I'm downgraded to regular run-of-the-mill-able-to-blog headache, but am going to bed. So HOORAY for the 40 points I got. I'm going to bed with an empty clean sink and a house better picked up than yesterday. Yahoo for flylady! (I'll check the blog tomorrow and add all my points then.)


I didn't swish n swipe, I know that is silly but my bathroom is a wreck and i just couldn't do it. Too tired. I will recheck my points to make sure they are correct. Super lame everyone is quitting. Am I really that intimidating? Just kidding. 455+110=565

Monday AGAIN!!

I have everything but making dinner. That is going to be what kills me!! We did have FHE?!? That should make up for it ... Right? I promise to do better tomorrow.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Don't Give Up!!

Hello Ladies,

I have had the craziest last few days and have been beating myself up over it. The worst part is, it is completely AGAINST everything flylady stands for. F.L.Y. is to Finally Love Yourself enough to allow yourself NOT to be perfect. I get zero points for the last few days but I'm not giving up. I will post again tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to do most of the things on the list. If not, I'll still post. Thanks for the encouragement and I'll see you posting tomorrow!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Andrea day 4??

330 + 125 is 455... Forget TGIF I am thankful tomorrow is Sunday too!! I did my home blessing today but no mission of the day. Thank you ladies for giving me incentive to keep on keeping on!! Have a wonderful Sabbath Day!

Christy Day 4

Today 115 because I finished my home blessing hour but didn't make dinner and there is no mission for Saturdays. Overall total 445.

misty day ?

Wow, it has been a rough couple of days. I was able to get it all done except my exercise. I did walk alot, but not 15 consecutive min so I didn't feel right taking the points. Happy tomorrow is Sunday.

Day 4 - Tasha

Did everything except no dishes to unload since I hand-washed pots from the night before
(I didn't have a full load and that's a big no-no in this house!!) 110, completed weekly home blessing,
25 & to top it off, I jogged/walked a 5K to train for my upcoming race. I am feeling drained!
345+135 = 480

Friday, April 16, 2010

Christy Day 3

I didn't do my exercise today so my total is 100 + 230= 330. Bummer. I only have to dust tomorrow to finish my home blessing hour. Hooray! For de-cluttering I cleaned out half of Luke and Claire's closet. It looks sooo much better. Maybe I'll do the other half tomorrow.

Misty day 3

So after my melt down today and thanks to Christy, Andrea and Tasha, I was able to get half my talk written, a date with Shay and all my flylady stuff done. I honestly wouldn't have made it through today without yalls help. I was a complete wreck. I LOVE YOU GUYS. So I also did my home blessing hour, which included sweeping my living room instead of vacuuming. If I tie with someone to win, I guess that will be the tie breaker. So my points tonight, 230+140=370

3rd Day Andrea

I have 115 for the day a total of 330. I hope to do my home blessing tomorrow... My home needs a blessing!!

Tasha... We get Sunday off!

Day 3 - Tasha

Today was my worst day yet. Exhausted. Completely exhausted. I had too much on my plate today and just as I was sitting down to blog about the 2 last tasks I didn't get to, I forced myself to get up and set the timer and knock them out. I had already done the hard stuff. I had to do everything at 3 different times today because of my crazy schedule. I really wish I could have waited until 2:30 A.M. when my husband got home to have him move the dryer. But, I couldn't stay in the challenge if I didn't do it myself. 115+115+115=345. BTW, do we get a day off?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dropping out. sorry

You guys are amazing and I will watch from the sidelines. I have my bets on who will win. I have to drop out. I have to much on my plate right now. Good luck

Christy Day 2

115 for today. I decluttered under my kids' sink. It looks fabulous. Hooray! Total: 230.

So Tired Day 2 Misty

I am beat. This pollen is kicking my bootie. Shay got home after being gone all week and I stayed home from book club to be with him but he fell asleep at 845. He was home for less than an hour. So I finished all the leftover flylady stuff and now I am completly exhausted. Guess I will join my sleeping husband. 115+115=230

Tasha Day 2

Let me start by saying this is no cake walk, but so worth it when I walk in the door from work at 7 PM to a fairly clean home. I just finished everything and now realize I will be watching a lot less TV since it's already time for bed! The sanity I am gaining from a clean house will be worth it though! Thanks for the opportunity ladies.
~Tasha - 115
I did everything but make dinner so the 110 from yesterday and the 105 from today gives me 215! So watch out ladies I come with more than mathematical skills!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day One For Real!! (Christy)

Thanks for understanding Julie and Misty and letting us begin on a high note. Today was a great day. My house is looking amazing. I almost finished my weekly home blessing hour, too. Mia mopped the floor for me and did a great job. I got the full points of 115. It feels great to fly!

Kath new day 1

Hey 100 points today so I'm feeling good. I didn't declutter anything. Thanks so much for feeling sorry for me about yesterday. You guys are the bestest.

New Day 1 Julie

I'm giving myself 110 points. I did it all but dinner. Wednesday night is our "eat out night" because we have a half hour drive to soccer, soccer at 6, church at 7. My kids were a little naughty though, so I made pb+j's for them as punishment. I'm giving myself 5/10 points for that for 2 reasons. Technically, I made their dinner, and I followed through which was a great teaching moment when I was eating my own "fast food". ha ha!

New Day 1 Andrea, Tasha, Misty

So glad we started again, my friend Tasha will be joining us. I was a loser and didn't get Christy their emails so I will post today and do that tomorrow. We might need to fix the clean the church bonus unless we plan on keeping it. I was tired from moving sand at our nbrhood park for a couple hours today so tonight stuff was hard but pushed through and got 115. I hope Kathrine and Christy had a better day.
I did it all but my laundry, I think that means 110.
Worked really hard and got it all done tonight. 115

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kath day 1

Wow what a bad start. Remember I was going to win!! I didn't make a single bed today but I did every other day this week. I didn't declutter or do a load of laundry(I have a load sitting on my couch begging to be folded but I just refused to look at it) and the list goes on. I think this should be our practice day. I did make dinner but I'm not sure how that's going to help my other feebleness. Good luck and maybe you guys will have mercy and we can start tomorrow?

Lame-o Day One

I don't know what it is but it always seems like the first day is so crazy I don't do well. It was Addy's birthday and between lunch and dinner festivities and visiting teaching I was only home for about 2 hours after school with all the kids. My house looks super clean but I only got 50 points. I have to admit to being super discouraged. Not a strong start once again which is really frustrating.

Misty Day 1 Andrea Day 1

So I got full points today. I can't remember what number that is so I will check. It came back so natural. I loved it. Busy day and going to bed happy. I am so happy to be doing this again! Thanks Ladies! 115

My sister Andrea is going to join as well but has not been added yet, like I said busy day. She got all her points except exercise. I will check what that means later. Goodnight. 100

Julie Day1

105 points for me. Got it all done except for making dinner. Had only one car, so had to pick up hubby from work then drive 45 min to the dealer to pick up car #2...right during dinner time. Taco Bell saved the day. Oh well. That's life. Loving getting back into the swing of things though. Hope I'm not the only one to post tonight...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

FINALLY a Challenge...

Hi Ladies! So I really meant to begin a challenge April 1st but then we went out of town that day so it didn't happen. I've been receiving requests to please begin a challenge (because it helps so much with motivation). I meant to give each of you a call today so that we could begin tomorrow but the day passed and it's too late to call the East Coast people. So let's begin tomorrow (for one more practice) and then begin counting points Tuesday FOR REAL. Is everyone ok with putting in $10 and that would go to the winner? If not, email me and let me know. You can still participate with us but wouldn't be eligible for the prize bootie.. I can't wait to begin and post each night our accomplishments, especially that we're in the full throws of spring. Let's get flying!!

P.S. Katharine's feeling pretty good like she's going to win it this time around so we each have to being our A game!